
Rufus is a Web-Framework written in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Rufus, Web-Framework


I've built Rufus for personal usage but decided to open-source it, in case someone else finds it useful. Feedback and other proposals are welcomed.

Example project


  • uses Chi as router
  • can render json, normal SSR websites and SSR templates for isomorphic websites
  • handles translation
  • automatic SSL via LetsEncrypt for production
  • self-signed certs for development
  • custom middleware:
    • in-memory response cache (you can plugin your own as well)
    • logger ( zerolog )
    • redirect www to no-www
    • content-type setting for json, SSR or "stripped" SSR


  • probably more testing
  • A/B Testing middleware


go get -u github.com/abenz1267/rufus


Code examples are taken from the example project


To start using Rufus you need a few basic files:

  • config.json
  • translation.json, if you want to use the translation feature

You can find examples in this project or the example project linked at the top.

Loading up Rufus

app := &rufus.App{}

if err := app.LoadConfigAndRouter(); err != nil {

Using shipped in-memory response cache

cache := &rufus.Cache{}
app.Middleware.Cache = cache

To invalidate the cache for a given URL

deleted := app.Cache.Invalidate(URL)

Registering routes

// main.go

go registerRoutes(app)
// routes.go

func registerRoutes(app *rufus.App) {
    for i := 0; i < app.Translation.Amount; i++ {
	language := <-app.RoutesSender

	if language == "default" {
	language = app.Language

	r := chi.NewRouter()
	app.Router.PrependMiddleware(r, app.Server, app.CSPPolicy)

	r.NotFound(handlers.NotFound{App: app, Language:language.Get)

        handlers.Index{App: app, Language: language}.GetRoutes(r)
        handlers.About{App: app, Language: language}.GetRoutes(r)

	app.RoutesReceiver <- r

Example handler

// handlers/about.go

type About struct {
	App         *rufus.App `json:"-"`
	Language    string     `json:"language,omitempty"`
	Title       string     `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Description string     `json:"description,omitempty"`

// GetRoutes registers routes for About handler
func (h About) GetRoutes(r *chi.Mux) {
	var url strings.Builder

	if h.App.Translation.Amount > 1 {
		url.WriteString(h.App.TranslateURL("about", h.Language))
	} else {

	r.Get(url.String(), h.get)

func (h About) get(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	h.Title = "About Page"
	h.Description = "This is a description"

    resp := rufus.Response{Status: http.StatusOK, TemplateFile: "about", Data: h}

	h.App.Response = resp

	h.App.Render(w, r)


Rufus does a few things:

  • handles translated routes
  • creates URLs based on the language
  • comes with two simple translation functions that can be used in templates as well as in functions
    • translate
      • template: {{ translate "phrase" "de" }}
      • function: App.Translation.Translate("phrase", "de")
    • translateURL

When a translation file is present it will also change the way routes are registered automatically, f.e.

without translation file: https://myapp.com/home

with translation file: https://myapp.com/de/startseite or https://myapp.com/en/home