
Role to install podman for Ubuntu 22.04

Important information

This build and role are made with rootless usage in mind on a shared computing infrastructure. Most notably the configuration that is installed disables most of the isolation mechanisms to ensure the contained processes have full access to hardware resources such as GPUs and Infiniband.

If that isn't your use case you can still use the build, but make sure to replace the config.

Example playbook

- hosts: podman_hosts
    name: abergeron.podman

Configuration variables

All the variables are optional because they have reasonable defaults.

podman_package_url: The http location of a podman package file (default to the latest build from the github actions in this repo).

netavark_package_url: The location of a netavark package file (defaults to the latest build from the github actions in this repo).

podman_install_from_repo: If set to true it will attempt to install podman from already-configured apt repos. To make this work, you need to download the packages from the release and add them to a locally configured repo. Due to version restrictions, it will not install from the release repos.

podman_storage_rootless: Locations where podman will store containers when running rootless. This can include shell variables such as ${HOME} to have an easy per-user location.

podman_install_from_repo: set to true to assume there is a repo configured with the podman packages.

podman_setup_nvidia: set to true to install nvidia-container-toolkit for nvidia gpu support. You will still have to generate the CDI file: https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/cdi-support.html#generating-a-cdi-specification
