So, I heard you like testing your code. Here's a bootstrap project using coffee and mocha to your katayuno enjoyment.
###### That's easy
First you need to have nodejs installed on your computer. For Windows or Mac binaries, you may want to take a look here, where you can also find the source code.
If you are more in the Linux way, you should check out this debs
Ensure you have npm
and node
in your PATH
Once you are set with nodejs, the next step would be to clone this repo and, maybe, rename it.
$ git clone katayuno-with-coffee
If you intend to create a new git repo for your own joy, you may want to download a zip with the project better, and not having your git history messed up by me.
Then, you have to install the project dependencies, as follows:
$ cd path/of/the/project && npm install
When npm
finishes doing its magic you can run your test with
$ npm test
What happens next is really up to you, open your favourite text editor and go code. You may want to start checking out that broken function in src/
I usually find this tool very useful when running my tests.