
Password-less login for Craft CMS

#Magic Login - BETA Simple and password-less login for Craft CMS.

##Installation Download MagicLogin from GitHub and upload the magiclogin directory to your craft/plugins folder. Don't forget to install the plugin in your site's admin (yoursite.com/admin/settings/plugins).

##Usage To use Magic Login, logout of Craft and head over to yoursite.com/magiclogin/login and enter your email address in the form presented. Click Get Link, check your email, click the link, and enjoy being logged-in without ever entering a password!

##Settings Magic Login allows you to set Magic Login Expiration time and the Redirect URL after Login.

Adjust "Magic Login Expiration Time" to allow links to be used for a certain amount of time after being requested. The default is 5 minutes.

Adjust "Redirect URL after Login" to change where the user is sent after they login with a Magic Login link. The default is /admin.

##Disclaimer Usage of this plugin does not guarantee any security for your Craft CMS site. This is an open-source project and has not been vetted by security or encryption experts.