
Primary LanguageKotlin

September 2022

  1. Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  2. Average of Levels in Binary Tree [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  3. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  4. Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree [Kotlin]

  5. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal [Kotlin]

  6. Binary Tree Pruning [Kotlin]

  7. Construct String from Binary Tree [Kotlin]

  8. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal [Kotlin]

  9. The Number of Weak Characters in the Game [Kotlin]

  10. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV [Kotlin]

  11. Maximum Performance of a Team [Kotlin]

  12. Bag of Tokens [Kotlin]

  13. UTF-8 Validation [Kotlin]

  14. Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  15. Find Original Array From Doubled Array [Kotlin]

  16. Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations [Kotlin]

  17. Palindrome Pairs [Kotlin]

  18. Trapping Rain Water [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  19. Find Duplicate File in System [Kotlin]

  20. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray [Kotlin]

  21. Sum of Even Numbers After Queries [Kotlin]

  22. Reverse Words in a String III [Kotlin]

  23. Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  24. Path Sum II [Kotlin]

  25. Design Circular Queue [Kotlin]

  26. Satisfiability of Equality Equations [Kotlin]

  27. Push Dominoes [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  28. Remove Nth Node From End of List [Kotlin]

  29. Find k closest elements [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  30. The Skyline Problem [Kotlin] [Haskell]

October 2022

  1. Decode Ways [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  2. Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  3. Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  4. Path Sum [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  5. Add One Row to Tree [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  6. Time Based Key-Value Store [Kotlin]

  7. My Calendar III [Kotlin]

  8. 3Sum Closest [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  9. Two Sum IV - Input is a BST [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  10. Break a Palindrome [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  11. Increasing Triplet Subsequence [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  12. Largest Perimeter Triangle [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  13. Delete Node in a Linked List [Kotlin]

  14. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  15. String Compression II

  16. Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule

  17. Check if the Sentence Is Pangram [Kotlin]

  18. Count and Say [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  19. Top K Frequent Words

  20. Integer to Roman [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  21. Contains Duplicate II

  22. Minimum Window Substring

  23. Set Mismatch [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  24. Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters

  25. Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  26. Continuous Subarray Sum

  27. Image Overlap

  28. Group Anagrams

  29. Earliest Possible Day of Full Bloom

  30. Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination

  31. Toeplitz Matrix [Kotlin]

November 2022

  1. Where Will the Ball Fall [Kotlin]

  2. Minimum Genetic Mutation [Kotlin]

  3. Longest Palindrome by Concatenating Two Letter Words

  4. Reverse Vowels of a String [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  5. Word Search II

  6. Orderly Queue [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  7. Maximum 69 Number

  8. Make The String Great [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  9. Online Stock Span

  10. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  11. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  12. Find Median from Data Stream

  13. Reverse Words in a String [Kotlin] [Haskell]

  14. Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column

  15. Count Complete Tree Nodes

  16. Guess Number Higher or Lower [Kotlin]

  17. Rectangle Area [Kotlin]

  18. Ugly Number [Kotlin]

  19. Erect the Fence.

  20. Basic Calculator.

  21. Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze.

  22. Perfect Squares [Kotlin]

  23. Valid Sudoku [Kotlin]








Basic data structures