Hope to make Writing English Fulently & naturally 🚀
Hi, I am a VS Code Extension of IELTS English Writing, which can provide professional suggestion and completion of Word Collocation
/Word Group
If you have not yet reliazed word collocation, you can see here for more information.
alt + q
in windows oroption + q
in mac to read the time that elapse from the time you open the writing page.
Just install me and write in a .txt
/ .md
/ .latex
/ .tex
file in English.
for word completion, after we use "tab" key, the result of collocation completion more than what we need :-(
Currently, we can use "tab" key and use "Backspace" key and use "tab"/"<-" Key to resolve this problem.
git clone https://github.com/istarwyh/writingHelper.git
- install
&&npm install typescript -g
npm install
&&tsc -b
- Open VS Code on this folder
- Start Debugging (
generally) npm install -g vsce
&&vsce package
(Click here to see more)
- Circular Dependency in server.js
- count words number
- work with time limit
- hover
- if neccesary, don't launch this programm.(Will the extension be launced when VSC open a file every time?)
This is a part of my graduation dissertation, so now writingCat/writingHelper is not open. If you have any problems or issues, you jsut contact me with wechat:
or email:yihui.wang@pku.edu.cn