
Some scripts that make compling, running and debugging C/C++ programs easier in a *nix environment.

Primary LanguageShell


Some scripts to make coding on *nix systems easier.


.vimrc: a vim script that makes compiling, running and debugging C and C++ programs super-easy.

debug: a bash script that loads the GNU gdb for the give C/C++ file.



  • You need a directory named 'bin' in your $HOME directory. Make sure you own it.
  • You must have gcc, g++ and gdb installed. test using
gcc --version
g++ --version
gdb --version

If you don't get 'command not found' error for the above commands, you are good to go.

installing .vimrc

  • check if the .vimrc file in your %HOME directory is empty.

  • If it's empty, copy this .vimrc in your %HOME directory.

  • If it's not empty, append the contents of this .vimrc to the .vimrc in your $HOME.

installing debug script

  • copy the 'debug' file into you /usr/bin.

  • Make sure that you own the 'debug' file that you have just copied to /usr/bin. Check using

ls -l /usr/bin debug
  • If not owned then use chown to own the 'debug' script file.



Use these keys inside your vi(m) to get the following effects. If you are in insert mode, press ESC before using any of these.

  • F5 - Re-run previously compiled program. (%HOME/bin/a.out)
  • F6 - Compile and run current C program.
  • F7 - Compile and run current C++ program.
  • F8 - Debug current C/C++ program.
  • F9 - Run current python file.


Enter the following command to enter a debug session for your source code.

debug myfile.c
debug myfile.cpp 


Keys Mapped : F5, F6, F7, F8, and F9.

If you have any of these keys already mapped for some function, you are suggested to make the necessary re-mappings.