
Testbed scripts. Run test cases, setup platform, etc.

Primary LanguagePython


Custom Transaction Processor (TP) to transmit Images metadata, the TP was developed for the Hyperledger Sawtooth Platform.

How to Use.

Clone the TP code into your desktop:
cd ~/Desktop
git clone https://github.com/abgomez/iot_testbed.git
cd ~/Desktop/iot_tp/bin \


A sawtooth instance running. This guide does not include how to start sawtooth. Documentation regarding sawtooth installation can be found at Sawtooth Documentation. The TP expects a to find all images in the folder ~/Desktop/iot_tp/images/, images must be in format jpg

Start Processor.

Start Processor: python3 iot-tp -v

Run tests.

To test the TP you can use the script "run_txn.sh", this script submit a certain number of transactions in a constant rate. The script accept two arguments, time frame to send transactions and number of transaction. The default of these parameters are 2 and 1 respectively.

Run default.

cd ~/Desktop/iot_tp/bin

run_txn.sh help

-r <rate to send transactions> -t <how many transaction>


./run_txn.sh -s 2 -c 5 <every two seconds sen 5 transactions>