
Primary LanguageTypeScript

ARchivers - repository for TwittAR and ARticle - Two tools which record tweets and articles - permanently storing them on Arweave via Bundlr

To run either TwittAR or ARticle, you need an Arweave wallet - more specifically an Arweave wallet file. You need to copy the contents of this wallet file into the example (example.wallet.json) wallets' "arweave" section.

You also need to have docker and a set of build tools installed (for not LTS node versions).

Run yarn to install dependencies.

Docker command to create headless chrome host: docker run --shm-size=4096m -e KEEP_ALIVE=true -e MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS=60 -e MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH=400 -e CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=180000 -p 3000:3000 --restart always -d --name bc browserless/chrome

Tweak the MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS value as required - higher = more load but a higher chance of content being archived (download requests are dropped if the queue gets too full).


To run TwittAR you need Twitter API keys, which you can get via a Twitter developer account. You will also need elevated API access. Follow this answer here, and fill in the relevant fields in example.wallet.json:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/6875024/18012461 and then rename it to wallet.json.

Then in the developer portal, request elevated access - this should be approved almost immediately.


For ARticle, you need a NewsAPI API key - which you can get at https://newsapi.org.
Add this to your wallet.json (or example.wallet.json - rename to wallet.json)
(it can be run without as an external import - just don't invoke updateNewsApi).

Tweak config.json as required, adding in keyterms - tweak instances to about 80% of your MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS value.

If you are noticing too many re-uploads of unchanged data, or that the system is not responding to changes, change the difference value in the config - lower = more sensitive to changes.
Remember to change the queryID value in the configuration to distinguish your collection from others - you can always filter by owner address, but this allows for more fine grained control.


Install PM2 globally (use elevated terminal):

yarn global add pm2

Build the project:

yarn build

Start the project (TwittAR and ARticle):

pm2 start ARchiver.ecosystem.config.js