
Repository for public funding for archival projects

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This repository publishes an npm package that allows interacting with arfunds contracts on Arweave. Arfunds is a project designed to help communities raise funds for archival projects around major events of historical importance. Each arfunds contract constitutes a pool, and keeps track of all contributions made to a particular pool contract.

A demonstration of the usage of arfunds is available at arfunds-client.

Building the package:

$ npm run build

In order to deploy and interact with archiving pools, you can use the arfunds library, demonstrated in the aforementioned arfunds-client or, alternatively, you can directly use the command line tools that ship with this library.

# deploy a new archiving pool (please edit the config.json file with relevant information)
$ npm run deploy
Deployment started
Deployment completed: 5Hoz9v0VgecpgHSeljNnZSWNEYff9JmZCIVyQmNpqEQ

Read the state of the contract

$ npm run read 5Hoz9v0VgecpgHSeljNnZSWNEYff9JmZCIVyQmNpqEQ
  "title": "Second Archive",
  "useOfProceeds": "This is a test archiving pool contract. Proceeds will be burned. Please do not send money to this contract.",
  "link": "",
  "owner": "AfvYaepZX04uxI324JCUryDHk1cccB4Upnevzwbom1c",
  "ownerInfo": "Contact: abhav@arweave.org",
  "rewards": "Transferable artefacts",
  "contributors": {},
  "tokens": {},
  "totalContributions": "0",
  "totalSupply": "0",
  "commit": {
    "n": 949892,
    "contributors": {
      "0L_z90sYv36VDoDhrRBffo9KrADWpCaaGQz7hJhhP9g": "1000000"

Contribute amount in winstons

$ npm run contribute 5Hoz9v0VgecpgHSeljNnZSWNEYff9JmZCIVyQmNpqEQ 1000000
interaction sent! id: aGTw43j_LKK9tv-vJEnpC3Mn35hfBpGEoso7hXbyX8c

arfunds contracts

Help public data archival projects raise arfunds!