
Sample client and instructions for accessing a bundler API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Arweave testnet

An Arweave testnet (with bundler enabled) has been set up on m-testnet.arweave.net:3000. This testnet is API compatible with bundlr-network's arweave-js client.

In order to use the testnet, use the following steps.

1. Generate wallet for Signing

Generate an Arweave RSA key. This key will be used for signing uploads and not tokens. You can generate an Arweave key using:



arweave.wallets.generate().then((key) => {
    // {
    //     "kty": "RSA",
    //     "n": "3WquzP5IVTIsv3XYJjfw5L-t4X34WoWHwOuxb9V8w...",
    //     "e": ...


ArConnect: This is the main Arweave web wallet

We will need you to tell us this key before you go live on mainnet! This key is required for signing the data only. You do not need to hold any tokens.

2. Use node client for uploads

Using bundlr-network helper

This generates a DataItem, signs it using your privateKey and sends it to m-testnet.arweave.net:3000 using the POST /tx API. More details are available in the file client/client.ts.

Use the nodejs client to test file uploads.

const bundler = new Bundlr("http://m-testnet.arweave.net:3000", "arweave", privateKey);

Upload the file at path to the testnet.

const response = await bundler.uploadFile(path);

Directly post data (without helper)

This alternative code for uploading data does the same things that are shown above, but with a lower-level client so you can see the details of creating, signing and posting Arweave DataItems. Check out the file client/postDirect.ts for more details in the comments.

Read input

var data = Buffer.from(process.argv[3], "utf-8");

Set tags to indicate Content-Type

const tags = [ { name: "Content-Type", value: "text/plain" } ];

Create and sign a DataItem

const signer = new ArweaveSigner(privateKey);
const dataItem = createData(
                { tags }
await dataItem.sign(signer);

Send a post transaction request

response = await instance.post('/tx/arweave', dataItem.getRaw(), {
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream" }

3. Sample Run

Upload / Direct Upload

In order to test the default client, run

npm install
npm test <path-to-keyfile-json> <path-to-data-tobeuploaded>
// Uploading file = client/futureinternet-11-00170.pdf
// DataItem id =  gRPbue7-beLrz9Z4pSuhx-I2vqbd1JYBTfleg2lheCI (this is the TX-ID)

Alternatively, in order to upload using the low-level client making a direct POST /tx request, run

ts-node postDirect.ts <path-to-keyfile-json> "hello arweave"


After uploading a data item, wait a few seconds (maximum of 10s) for the data to be included in the bundle and mined.

Then, trigger unbundling on the testnet with the following GET call (NOTE: this is not required on mainnet as bundled data items are immediately and automatically available using the next GET /tx call):

curl http://m-testnet.arweave.net:1984/mine

Finally, use the GET /tx endpoint to fetch the uploaded data item.

curl http://m-test.arweave.net:1984/<TX-ID>


Run mainnet uploads with the following command

npm run upload <path-to-keyfile> <path-to-uploading-file>