
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Selenium Framework using Spring Boot

A test framework that utilizes Java Spring Boot capabilities to integrate key Selenium and TestNG features that can be used to create web-based automation scripts.

Key Features

  • Supports Parallel test execution and thread management
  • Random test data generation
  • Spring dependency injection for object creation
  • WebDriver manager-based browser initiation
  • Platform independent
  • Integration with Allure reports
  • Integrated with sonarQube for vulnerability analysis
  • Avoids boilerplate codes utilizing Lombok

Table of contents

Test Framework Design Details

Flowchart (7)

Test Execution Flow

  1. Execution starts from POM.xml
  2. Control goes to the parameterized Suites.xml
  3. TestNG then invokes the methods in each of the Suites mentioned in Parallel mode based on XML config (For parallel runs separate threads are created)
  4. Control goes to the ElementTests test file
  5. Using Spring's dependency injection capabilities BasePage and ElementsPage objects are created
  6. Then using the @BeforeMethod annotation the Spring test context is prepared
  7. Execution then begins with the SanityCheck() method due to group dependency mentioned in the @Test annotations
  8. Control then transfers to the TestNG listener mentioned using the @Listeners(TestListener.class) annotation at the class level
  9. The overridden onTestStart is then invoked to log the start of the test execution
  10. The control then transfers back to the test to start with the openElementsPage() instruction
  11. The control is transferred then transferred to the ElementsPage class
  12. Then utilizing the iUIElements object of the IUIElements interface implemented by the UIElements Class the openURL method is invoked
  13. Only then do the IUIElements that inherit the ActionsBaseClass create the driver object since it is tagged with a @Lazy annotation
  14. This action is completed through the Spring's @Configuration annotated class WebdriverConfig
  15. Here checking on the @ConditionalOnExpression a Webdriver bean is created retrieving the parameters to be compared(browser=chrome, edge, etc.) from the application.properties file
  16. As soon the bean is created the lifecycle of the same is tagged to the TestNG thread that invoked the test case using the @Scope("driverscope") annotation
  17. The driverscope is already added to spring by extending and overriding the BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface
  18. This is done by creating a BeanFactoryPostProcessor bean using the DriverScopeConfig class and DriverScope class that inherits SimpleThreadScope
  19. The same @Scope("driverscope") annotation is then used to create a WebDriverWait bean to be utilized by various action classes
  20. With the invoking of the bean, a browser is spun up and the URL stored in a constant file is opened up
  21. Continuing on the test case steps, the page title is extracted utilizing a similar iElementVerification object of the IElementVerification interface implemented by the ElementVerification class
  22. The value retrieved is then asserted against the value in the test case to determine if the test case has to be passed or failed
  23. Based on the assertion, control is transferred to the TestListener to Pass/Fail the case
  24. The results are then added to the allure report by invoking the testReportUpdate method
  25. Using the @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) annotation the browsers are closed using the teardown() method in the BasePage
  26. Screenshots are also then saved and weaved into the Allure report
  27. Post sanity check completion, textBoxVal_TC001() is executed
  28. The test data to be used is injected using the @dataprovider annotation
  29. This is generated using Java Faker API in the UserDataProvider class
  30. The page actions are then performed using the Page Fragment class TextBoxPF
  31. Similarly the checkBoxVal__TC002() is also executed in parallel based on the TestNG config
  32. This is completed through the CheckBoxPF Page Fragment class
  33. System/Application properties can be manually updated in the application.properties file or overridden in the maven command

Folder Structure

Untitled (1)


Clone the repo from GitHub using below command

git clone https://github.com/naveenchr/AutoFrameWork.git

Clean and compile the maven project using below commands

mvn clean
mvn compile

Running the tests

From Command Prompt

mvn test

Parameters can be overridden as follows or updated directly on application.properties file

mvn test -Dmy.properties.grid-url=https://test.com/wd/hub -Dmy.properties.grid-token=123456 -Dmy.properties.grid=true

Report Location

  1. Navigate to the "target" folder
  2. Execute the below allure command
allure serve -h localhost

Sample Report

Screenshot 2023-11-14 141707

Screenshot 2023-11-14 142205_failed

Creating new tests

Test Class File

package com.auto.framework;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.testng.AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Listeners;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.auto.framework.listeners.TestListener;
import com.auto.framework.pageobjects.common.BasePage;
import com.auto.framework.pageobjects.demoqa.ElementsPage;
import com.auto.framework.testdata.UserDataProvider;
import com.auto.framework.testdata.UserModal;

public class ElementTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {

	private BasePage basePage;

	public ElementsPage elementsPage;

	@Test(groups = "Sanity Test")
	public void sanityCheck() {

		assertThat(elementsPage.getPageTitle(), is("DEMOQA"));

	@Test(dependsOnGroups = "Sanity Test", dataProvider = "User Data", dataProviderClass = UserDataProvider.class)
	public void textBoxVal__TC001(UserModal userData) {
		// Opens browser page

		// Perform testing actions

		// Assert data points
		assertThat(elementsPage.textBoxPF.getConfirmationMessage().getFirstName(), is(userData.getFirstName()));
		assertThat(elementsPage.textBoxPF.getConfirmationMessage().getEmail(), is(userData.getEmail()));
		assertThat(elementsPage.textBoxPF.getConfirmationMessage().getCurrAddress(), is(userData.getCurrAddress()));
		assertThat(elementsPage.textBoxPF.getConfirmationMessage().getPermAddress(), is(userData.getPermAddress()));


	public void springTestContextPrepareTestInstance() throws Exception {

	@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)
	public void teardownDriver() {


Page Object File

package com.auto.framework.pageobjects.demoqa;

import static com.auto.framework.constants.Constants.ELEMENTS_PAGE;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import com.auto.framework.pageobjects.common.BasePage;
import io.qameta.allure.Step;

public class ElementsPage extends BasePage {

	public TextBoxPF textBoxPF;

	public CheckBoxPF checkBoxPF;

	public RadioButtonPF radioButtonPF;

	public WebTablePF webTablePF;

	@Step("Open webpage")
	public void openElementsPage() {
		iUIElements.openURL(myProperties.getDemoUrl() + ELEMENTS_PAGE);

	@Step("Verify Page Title")
	public String getPageTitle() {
		return iElementVerification.getTitle();


Generating sonar reports

  • Add sonar server URL in POM file
  • Execute the below maven command after the test run
mvn sonar:sonar

Built With

  • Spring Boot
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • TestNG
  • Maven
  • Allure Reports
  • Hamcrest
  • Lombok
  • Java Faker


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you want to change.


Apache 2.0
