Hi 👋, I'm Abhay Bharti

A passionate SDET/JavaScript developer



👨🏻‍💻 Who am I

  • I'm a Software Engineer with a strong passion for Test and Automation engineering and am a polyglot programmer who loves to code in Java and JavaScript
  • I like to build scalable test automation frameworks and utilities to solve testing and automation problems.
  • I believe in understanding and testing all the layers of the stack and have worked with Web, Mobile, and API throughout my career across different domains.
  • Design an develop tools which will help Developers/Testers.
  • Collaborating with development teams and QA team peers to identify and prioritize opportunities for automation.

🌱 I'm currently learning about ...

  • JavaScript, TypeScript, Playwright, HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Redux, Docker
  • Design patterns and Refactoring techniques
  • Developing API using Node.js

👨🏻‍🏫 Open Source Contribution ...

💬 Ask me About ...

  • Selenium, Java, Rest Assured, Appium, JMeter, Jenkins, TestNG, Git, CI/CD Pipeline
  • UI (Web/Mobile), API Testing, Building scalable Test Automation Framework
  • Web Development using ReactJS, Redux, Tailwind CSS

📫 How to reach me ...

Languages and Tools:

css3 docker git heroku html5 java javascript jenkins postman selenium


