
An Automated way to setup JBoss EAP 7.0.0 Cluster

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

setup-jboss-cluster Build Status

What is this ?

  • Utililty scripts which will hep you configure a cluster setup on JBoss 7.0.0 EAP


What do i require to use this?

  • Python 2.7 or above
  • Paramiko module for python - http://www.paramiko.org/
  • Java 8
  • Linux OS ( Windows not supported )
  • JBoss 7.0.0 EAP - https://developers.redhat.com/products/eap/download/
  • Atleast 3 Phyiscal machines or VMs having linux on them. 1 for master and 2 for slaves. All the machines must have the above pre-requisites.
  • Note - For the scripts to run successfully and to achieve the desired objective, all your slaves and master must be within the same network or domain.

How do i use this ?

  • Clone the master branch into a suitable directory

  • Download JBoss 7.0.0 EAP.zip and extract into Master and Slave machines

  • Before running the main script, you will have to configure the details of Slaves and Master.Below steps explain how you have to

  • Configuring Slaves

    • Open slaves.properties file located in cloned directory and fill in the following based on your configuration


    • <Slave_IP> - IP address of the Slave machine

    • JBOSS_HOME - path to the directory where you have extracted jboss-7-eap in slave machine

    • USER_NAME - Slave user, HOST_PASSWORD - password that will get converted to bas64 string

    • Configuring Master

      • Open master.properties file located in cloned directory and fill in the following based on your configuration
      • JBOSS_HOME - path to where you have extracted jboss7.zip in master machine, ADMIN_USERNAME & ADMIN_PASSWORD = user name and password in-order to login to jboss admin console , once the setup is up.
  • Starting the script

  • Assuming you have all the pre-requisites in place and after you have configured the master and slaves according to above steps, you can start the script as following:

  • cd to the directory where you have cloned the repo

  • Execute the following:

    python setup-jboss-cluster.py -m=<ip_address_of_the_master> -s=<comma_separated_ip_addresses_of_the_slaves>

  • Example

python setup-jboss-cluster.py -m= -s=,

  • Once the scripts completes execution, you can start the master followed by slaves as below:

    Starting master

    • cd to JBOSS_HOME

    • ./bin/domain.sh --domain-config=domain.xml --host-config=host.xml -P domain_master.properties &

    Starting slave

    • cd to JBOSS_HOME of the Slave

    • ./bin/domain.sh --host-config=host-slave.xml -P domain.properties &

  • If all goes well you should see the slaves connecting to master , similar to the below image
