Monopoly game Monopoly is a Monopoly-like decentralized game that works completely on-chain. Players compete with each other by implementing various playing strategies uploaded as smart-contracts into the network.

Monopoly consists of Master contract and Player contracts. Master contract is the main contract that starts and controls the game. Player contracts implement the game strategies that can be unique for each participant of the game. All moves in the game take place automatically, but it is possible to jump to each one individually to analyze the player's strategy.

To launch the game, you need to:

⚒️ Build Master and Player contracts 🏗️ Upload the contracts on chain 🖥️ Build and run user interface ⚒️ Build Master and Player contracts Get the source code of Master contract and Player contract. Modify Player's contract as you wish to achieve optimal game strategy. Build contracts: ⚙️ Install Rust curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh Note: This step is required if you're using local environment. Skip it if you are using Gitpod.

⚒️ Add specific toolchains rustup toolchain add nightly rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly ... or ...

make init 🏗️ Build cargo build --release ... or ...

make build If everything goes well, your working directory should now have a target and Monopoly directories that contain the following files:

player ├── player.meta.txt Monopoly ├── Monopoly.meta.txt target └── wasm32-unknown-unknown ├── Monopoly.wasm <---- this is built .wasm file ├── Monopoly.opt.wasm <---- this is optimized .wasm file ├── player.wasm <---- this is built .wasm file ├── player.opt.wasm <---- this is optimized .wasm file In case of building error, try to run:

cargo update and buld the program again.

Register players and reserve gas To run the game you have to deploy the master contract and the players contracts to the network. During initialization the master contract is filled with monopoly card information (cell cost, special cells: jails, lottery, etc).

You have to give enough gas reservation for automatic play. Before each round the master contract checks the amount of gas and if it is not enough it will send a message to the game admin to request for another gas reservation. To make a reservation you have to send to the master contract the following message:

GameAction::ReserveGas Currently the single gas reservation amount can be up to 245 000 000 000 since it is not yet possible to make a reservation more than the block gas limit (250 000 000 000). To run the full game you have to make at least 5 reservations.

Then you need to register the contracts of your players. For testing purposes you can upload the same player contract several times. Up to four players or less can be added in the Syndote Master contract.

To register the player you have to send the following message to the Syndote contract:

GameAction::Register { player: ActorId } After registering players, just start the game via sending the message:

GameAction::Play If the game is not over, make more reservations and send a message GameAction::Play again. After the game is over, it's state becomes Finished and the admin can restart the game by starting a new player registration:

GameAction::StartRegistration 🏗️ Upload contracts on chain Run gear node locally This is recommended while you are testing and debugging the program.

Here ( you can find prepared binaries.

./gear --dev --tmp --unsafe-ws-external --rpc-methods Unsafe --rpc-cors all Run program in Gear Network You can deploy contracts using

More deploy options are available in Gear Wiki.

🖥️ Build and run user interface To build and run local user interface, use this instruction from Gear Wiki.