
Spacestagram: Image-sharing from the final frontier

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Image-sharing from the final frontier

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Made this under Shopify Challange

Created with
React | TailwindCSS | NasaAPI | Axois

Run this Web app on your local Machime

  1. Download and Extract or Clone git clone https://github.com/abhaygupta08/spacestagram/ this repository to your Local Machine.
  2. Go to the folder.
  3. Run npm i to install all the dependencies.
  4. Run npm start to start this project.
  5. Play with code 🧐

The Challenge

We need a webpage that can pull images, and allow the user to “like” and “unlike” their favourite images.

  1. We'd like a simple to use interface that makes it easy to:
  2. Fetch data from one of NASA’s APIs and display the resulting images (more details under Technical Requirements)
  3. Display descriptive data for each image (for example: title, date, description, etc.)
  4. Like an image
  5. Unlike an image

Technical requirements

  1. Search results should come from NASA’s free APIs, for which you’ll need a free API key from https://api.nasa.gov
  2. Each image result should list at least a title, date of capture (ideally in earth_date) and a button to “like” that image.
  3. Each image can be “liked”, and a user should be able to undo their “like”
  4. The HTML that ends up being served client-side should be accessible and semantic MDN reference


  1. Save likes if the user leaves or reloads the page
  2. Add a loading state while we wait for NASA’s API to return data
  3. Create shareable links for each image