Python MySQL Database Application

This is a simple Python application that connects to a MySQL database and provides options to add, remove, and read student records.


  • Python installed
  • MySQL database server running
  • Required Python libraries (pymysql) installed (install with pip install pymysql)


  1. Open the script in your preferred Python environment.
  2. Ensure the MySQL server details (host, user, password, database) are correct.
  3. Run the script. It will prompt you with options.
  4. Follow the prompts to add, remove, or read student records.

Code Explanation

  • connect_to_database(): Establishes a connection to the MySQL database.
  • add_student(conn, id, name, eno): Adds a new student record to the database.
  • remove_student(conn, id): Removes a student record from the database.
  • read_students(conn): Retrieves and prints all student records.
  • main(): Drives the application, providing user interaction.


  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to connect to the MySQL server and manipulate the database.