
Resources shared for the work of "Wikipedia Trivia Miner"

Primary LanguageJava


The repository contains data and code for the work presented in "Did you know?- Mining Interesting Trivia for Entities from Wikipedia", that has been published in IJCAI-2015.

Paper can be downloaded at: http://ijcai.org/papers15/Papers/IJCAI15-446.pdf

View Conference Presentation at: http://www.slideshare.net/abhayiitr/ijcai-2015-presentation-did-you-know-mining-interesting-trivia-for-entities-from-wikipedia

Description for each of the folder:

  • 1_Data - Contains raw (obtained through Crowd-Judgement) and prepared data for train and test.
  • 2_Code - Contains code for feature extraction, candidate selection and ranking.
  • 3_Ready_for_Complete_Run - In order to reproduce the results, ranking code can be executed. All required inputs have been put together in this folder.
NOTE: The Tab Separated Files (TSV) files have been saved in .txt format. Open them with Microsoft Excel to see the file in a pretty format.