
Code to like and make a comment "Thanks FIRST_NAME!! :)" on the wall post made by friends on birthday.

Primary LanguagePHP

Likes and comments on the wall post made on birthday.
	-> Comment format: Thanks FIRST_NAME!! :)

Way To Use:
	-> Create a facebook app, and use its app_id and app_secret in the code.
	-> Put your birthdate at the apt. line in code.
	-> Set true for the activity you want to do - like and/or comment.
	-> Execute.
Some problems resolved:
	-> FB has set a limit on api call rate per user and per app. So, catched the error and waited for 2 sec for the next call.
	-> max time of execution increased from default 30 sec.
	-> Not doing repeated comment : used like as flag here. To ensure that like has been done by user only - checked that explicitly.
To Do:
	-> We call seniors with Sir or Mam. So, need to make it like that way.
	-> Check if we call the friend with his facebook first_name, and use the actual first_name.
	-> Check if the post demands some explicit answer from user.
More experience @ http://abhayiitr.blogspot.in/2013/12/yay-d-code-to-reply-on-birthday-wall.html