
Bus-Booking-System is web-dev project implemented using Django framework(Python) and SQLite Database. Deployed using AWS EC2 Instance. Server is configured on my machine. so i need to host ( establish remote connection) before you can access.

Primary LanguageHTML


It's a Django framework based web developement project. It allows users to book bus tickets which are open.


* Admin - Login . . . Allows admin to login
* Admin - Reset Tickets . . . Allows admin to reset all the tickets to open
* Admin - Check passengers,seats . . . Allows admin to check passenger and seats details
* User - Register . . . Allows user to register 
* User - Login . . . Allows user to login
* User - Add Details ( passenger ) . . . Allows user to add its details as a passenger 
* User - Update Details ( passenger ) . . . Allows user to update its details as a passenger
* User - Check Seat Layout . . . Allows user to check bus seat layout i.e. window, inner and booked seats
* User - Select Seat . . . Allows user to select a seat. If the seat ticket is closed show alert !
* User - Check Open Tickets . . . Allows user to check open seat tickets
* User - Check Closed Tickets . . . Allows user to check closed seat tickets

Built With

* Frontend - HTML / CSS / JavaScript
* Backend -  Django Framework (Python) / SQLite 
* Testing  - Selenium / Chromedriver

Deployed Using

Server is configured on my system , so i need to host before you can access the project on

* AWS EC2 Instance

Steps to run on the local server

* Install Python and set path
* Install pip

Install Virtual environment

* sudo apt install virtualenv OR
* pip install virtualenv

Create a Virtual Environment

virtualenv venv

Move to venv and activate virtual environment

cd venv/Scripts
& .\activate

Clone the project inside venv folder

git clone https://github.com/abhi2345A/Bus-Reservation-System.git
cd Bus-Reservation-System

Install the project Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Apply migrations for the database and migrate changes

python manage.py makemigrations selection
python manage.py migrate

Launch the localserver

python manage.py runserver

Go to browser and on home page of project will appear
Alt text
passenger's screen after login and entering details

Alt text

Click on Status to see the seat layout like this
Alt text

Create superuser ( Admin )

Inside Terminal type -

python manage.py createsuperuser

and provide

* Username
* Email
* Password
* Confirm- Password

Already created Admin credentials for project

username -abhi
password -jeet


To execute unit tests ( selection/tests )

python manage.py test selection

To execute functional tests ( functional_tests )

python manage.py test functional_tests