
Tool written in python to convert the plain python code text to the formatted text in many styles like - autumn', 'borland', 'bw', 'colorful', 'default', 'emacs', 'friendly', 'fruity', 'manni', 'monokai', 'murphy', 'native', 'pastie', 'perldoc', 'rrt', 'tango', 'trac', 'vim'

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Python Automated tool to convert Plain Text-to Formatted text using Pygments

Tool written in python to convert the plain python code text to the formatted text in many styles like - autumn','borland','bw','colorful','default','emacs','friendly','fruity','manni','monokai','murphy','native','pastie','perldoc','rrt', 'tango','trac','vim'


  • Open a terminal window and paste this now:
git clone https://github.com/apoorvpatne10/Python-Automated-tool-to-convert-Plain-Text-to-Formatted-text-using-Pygments
  • Once done, cd into the repository
cd Python-Automated-tool-to-convert-Plain-Text-to-Formatted-text-using-Pygments/
  • Run the __ main __ .py file with '-h or --help' argument
apoorv@apoorv:~ python __main__.py -h

usage: __main__.py [-h] [--demo DEMO] [--line_numbers LINE_NUMBERS]
                   [--style_name STYLE_NAME]

positional arguments:
  file_name             Provide the output(html) file name.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --demo DEMO           Enter input file name to be formatted. Else default
                        file will be used.
  --line_numbers LINE_NUMBERS
                        Enter 1 to provide line numbers. Enter anything
                        otherwise. Default : True (1)
  --style_name STYLE_NAME
                        Default style : colorful. Other options: ['autumn',
                        'borland', 'bw', 'colorful', 'default', 'emacs',
                        'fruity', 'manni', 'monokai', 'murphy', 'native',
                        'pastie', 'rrt', 'tango', 'trac', 'vim', 'friendly',

  • Output file name is mandatory hence, you must provide a name for output formatted html file.
apoorv@apoorv:~ python __main__.py my_file5

Formatted File is generated as- my_file5.html
Conversion done successfully. Opening it now!

This will take the name and assign it to output file name parameter. All the optional arguments will go with default values. The result might look something like this :


  • Try other options
apoorv@apoorv:~ python __main__.py my_file5 --line_numbers false --style_name vim

Formatted File is generated as- my_file5.html
Conversion done successfully. Opening it now!

The result will look like this:
