yarn install
yarn compile
yarn contract-size
yarn test
Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain artifacts:
yarn typechain
Lint the Solidity code:
yarn lint:sol
Lint the TypeScript code:
yarn lint:ts
Generate the code coverage report:
yarn coverage
See the gas usage per unit test and average gas per method call:
REPORT_GAS=true yarn test
Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:
yarn clean
yarn verify <network_name> <deployed_contract_address> <constructor params>
// TODO: add your own SC arguments or empty
yarn verify <network_name> <deployed_contract_address> --constructor-args verify/erc20token.args.ts
For multiple arguments, follow this guide.
- Environment variables: Create a
file with its values in .env.example
// on terminal-1
$ npx hardhat node
// on terminal-2
$ yarn hardhat deploy:Escrow --network localhost
- Deploy the contracts
yarn hardhat deploy:Escrow --network rinkeby
- Deploy the contracts
yarn hardhat deploy:Escrow --network mainnet