
Try it. (Just to be good, don't fill it up). URL does not work anymore. Do not have paid plan of Heroku

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Steps involved:

  • npm init -y
  • npm i express mongoose ejs
  • npm i --save-dev nodemon
  • create server.js
  • start script for dev in "scripts"
  • serve root at localhost:5000
  • npm run start-dev -> executes: nodemon server.js
  • create views directory
  • create index.ejs -> create basic html -> add form, table -> run
  • add bootstrap cdn -> apply bootstrap to form, table -> run
  • create directory models for storing db models
  • create short_url.js and create schema for urls collection
  • create mongodb connection in server.js -> run check
  • npm i shortid creates unique short identifier
  • add shortid property in schema
  • add app.use for express urlencode
  • create POST /shortUrls route for taking in URL requests
  • create new object in post request and then redirect -> run
  • add find all short urls in serving root and pass as parameter to index file
  • use shortUrls obejct to fill table to show urls from server -> run
  • create new route for redirecting shortUrl at end of server.js
  • find url based on shortUrl, add click, save, redirect if not null -> run
  • create error page in views
  • when short url does not exist, render error with response
  • added app use to send response 204 for favicon request and shifted route log below this
  • install dotenv npm i dotenv
  • create .env file for storing db credentials
  • provide arguments to database call using process.env.VARIABLE_NAME
  • issue faced: whenever username used as a env variable, when invoked gave first letter capital of corresponding value. e.g. admin -> Admin
  • :: hence using user in this case in environment variables

Begins heroku deployment:

  • create heroku account
  • install heroku CLI
  • goto local project git directory
  • login into heroku cli : heroku login
  • enter credentials -> login success
  • heroku starts server on port 5000! the code has been designed to accept port from external environment
  • create heroku project: heroku create app_name : heroku create short-url-abhi : this creates a git project named short-url-abhi assosiated to heroku
  • goto heroku dashboard -> app -> settings -> config vars : add .env variables
  • push commited project to heroku master branch : git push heroku master : makes the project live at returned url