Advanced Python - Working with databases

This repository is created by following the LinkedinLearning course Advanced Python - Working with databases

  1. Creating a Movies Database with sqlite3
  2. Manipulating Movies Database with sqlalchemy-core
  3. sqlite and sqlalchemy challenge to create users database
  4. Creating a project tracker mysql database using python-mysql-connector
  5. Creating a project tracker mysql database using sqlalchemy-orm
  6. Loading csv file (salespeople) into a database using python-mysql-connector
  7. Loading csv file (landon) into a database using mysql-connector+sqlalchemy+pandas
  8. Loading csv file (red30) challenge into a database using mysql-connector+sqlalchemy+pandas
  9. Loading csv file (red30) into a database using pyscopg2
  10. Inserting data into red30 sales table using psycopg2
  11. CRUD operations on red30 sales table using sqlalchemy-core + postgres
  12. CRUD operations on red30 sales table using sqlalchemy-orm + postgres
  13. CRUD operations and stored procedures on red30 sales table using psycopg2
  14. CRUD operations and stored procedures on red30 sales table using sqlalchemy
  15. Challenge - creating a Books db with book, author, and author_books table using psycopg2
  16. Challenge - creating a Books db with book, author, and author_books table using sqlalchemy-orm
  17. Challenge - creating a Books db with book, author, and author_books table using sqlalchemy-core
  18. Simple Project Tracker Web app using flask + sqlalchemy + postgres