
A simple web scraper to scrape quotes from the website http://quotes.toscrape.com/

Primary LanguagePython

Scraping Quotes with scrapy

This is a Scrapy project to scrape quotes from famous people from http://quotes.toscrape.com

Followed the Python Scrapy tutorial on youtube

Extracted Data

The we scraper iteratively scraps the entire 10 pages, and extracts the info about the quote as follows:

	 'author': 'J.R.R. Tolkien',
	 'page_num': 7,
	 'quote': '“Not all those who wander are lost.”',
	 'tags': ['bilbo', 'journey', 'lost', 'quest', 'travel', 'wander']

  • I have used a mix of XPATH and CSS selectors to achieve the results.
  • The default setting of the scraper stores the extracted data in a MongoDB database. (You will need to set it up for your system)
  • However I have also implemented the pipeline using sqlite3 and MySQL (using python-mysql-connector api)
  • The appropriate Pipeline for the database can be changed in the settings.py file

Offical scrapy tutorial - Scrapy Tutorial.

Clone the repository

$ git clone git@github.com:abhi8893/scraping-quotes-with-scrapy.git

Install the required packages

$ cd git@github.com:abhi8893/scraping-quotes-with-scrapy.git
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the spider

You can run a spider using the scrapy crawl command as follows:

$ scrapy crawl quotes

Saving to a file

To save the scraped data to a file, you can pass the -o option and specify the output extension as .csv, .json, or .xml:

$ scrapy crawl quotes -o output/quotes.csv