

  1. Login into the Spotify Developer website using your spotify account.
  2. Create a new app in the dashboard.
  3. Add http://localhost:8000/callback as the redirect uri in the app settings.
  4. Create an .env file in the root of the project based on .env.example.
  5. Run yarn install to install all the server dependencies.
  6. Run yarn client:install to install all the client dependencies.
  7. Run yarn dev to start the server in development.

Technologies used

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Create new heroku app
heroku create app-name
  1. Set Heroku environment variables
heroku config:set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=XXXXX
heroku config:set REDIRECT_URI=
heroku config:set FRONTEND_URI=
  1. Push to Heroku
git push heroku master
  1. Add as a Redirect URI in the spotify application settings

  2. Once the app is live on Heroku, hitting should be the same as hitting http://localhost:8888/login