
The Journey of making Dunzo Android App

Hello there, I am Abhishek an Aspiring Android Developer . You might have used the Dunzo Android App, Dunzo can change the way you move things, how you shop and lets you access your city like never before. We're an app that connects you to the nearest delivery partner who can make purchases, pick up items from any store or restaurant in the city and bring them to you.

Tech Stack ✨

  • Android Studio
  • Android(Recycler View, ScrollView, Webview, Preferences, Permissions)
  • Razorpay Payment Gateway
  • Firbase - Firestore

Used Open Source-Libraries 😎

Built With 🚀

Here are the some screenshots of the cloned application

1. Flash Screen

Untitled (1)

2. Login Page:

Untitled (2)

3. Home Screen


4. Search Page

Untitled (3)

5. Product Cart

Untitled (4)

6. Payment Process

Untitled (5)

7. Order Page

Untitled (6)

8. Other Page

Untitled (7)

Ending Notes:

In my humble attempt to clone the Dunzo App I tried my best to achieve the preciseness with whatever limited knowledge i possess. I hope you liked my efforts.