
Primary LanguageKotlin

Simple News App

A simple News application that displays top news headlines from the NewsAPI.


  • Fetches news data from a remote API
  • Handles network requests with Retrofit
  • Uses Hilt for dependency injection
  • Supports long press on DPAD_DOWN to refresh news
  • Designed for TV with focus management and key event handling

Tech Stack ✨

  • Android Studio
  • Retrofit (for fetching data)
  • Hilt ( for Dependency injection)
  • Kotlin Coroutines



  • Clone the repository: https://github.com/abhichauhan12/News-TV/
  • Open the project in Android Studio.
  • Add your NewsAPI key in the local.properties file:
  • Build and run the application on an emulator or physical device.

Here are the some glimpse of the application.
