
Test python packaging formats

MIT LicenseMIT


Sample Python package

You can install this package using either pipx or pip. Installing via pipx offers advantages if you want to just use the sample tool standalone from the command line, as it isolates the Python package dependencies in a virtual environment. On the other hand, pip installs packages to the global environment which is generally not recommended as it can interfere with other packages on your system.

  • Installation via pipx: pipx install git+https://github.com/abhidg/python-package
  • Installation via pip: python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/abhidg/python-package

If you are writing code which depends on the sample module (instead of using the command-line program), then it is best to add a dependency on git+https://github.com/abhidg/python-package to your Python build tool of choice.