
This is a demo app made using Flutter. This app is used to demonstrate the usage of firebase cloud functions to send notification using firebase cloud messaging.

Primary LanguageDart

Firebase Cloud Notification using Firebase Cloud Functions

This is a demo app made using Flutter. This app is used to demonstrate the usage of firebase cloud functions to send notification using firebase cloud messaging.

Getting Started

Step 1: Clone this repository using the following command

git clone https://github.com/abhidiwakar/firebasefunction_notification_app.git

Step 2: Create a new project in your firebase console and register an android app.

Step 3: Download google-services.json of your registered android app from firebase console

Step 4: Copy google-services.json to '/android/app/'


Open source code in your favourite code editor. (VSCode preferred) and start editing the code as you wish.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update the tests as appropriate.



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