
This project demonstrates how we can use web sockets within web workers for optimization and support real time data

Primary LanguageVue


Objective | What does the project work to achieve ?

  • Pull real-time AQI Data of cities.
  • To show data into tabular format.
  • To show charts through Visualization library like Highcharts.js.
  • To Show most recent data of Metropolitan cities.

Business Case | What is the Problem being solved ?

  • Getting real-time updates can increase user stickability and interaction.
  • Tabular and Graphical Visualization makes it easy for users to compare data of different cities.


  • Data is being received in intervals of 2 seconds.
  • Only 12 Indian cities are being pulled as AQI Data.

Tech Stack

  • Vue.js as Frontend Framework
  • Vuex for global State Management
  • Element-ui for enhancing UI and pre-built components
  • Highcharts.js for Visualizing Data into chart, specifically Highchart stock.
  • Web worker for offloading expensive work of the main thread.
  • Web socket to Pull Real time data.
  • AWS S3 as origin and AWS Cloudfront as content delivery network

Features Built (~ 10-12 hrs)

  • Metro cities AQI Overview Component: Provides Quick look into live Data of Metropolian cities.
  • Tabular AQI Data View: Provides Most Recent Data of all cities i.e Filterable by Category and Sortable by AQI value.
  • City AQI Comparsion View: Provides Comparsion of Historical Data Injected into graph (no limit on cities selection) with pre-built timeline selector and range selector.
  • Word Cloud View: Provides Most recent City AQI Data into word cloud where each word will carry weight according to its AQI value
  • Responsive Design: Used Grids and flex to make it Highly responsive, works well with all Device Screen types from SM to XL.
  • Data Archival: Data gets Automatically archived after 5 hours of active session.

R&D and Optimizations (~ 5 hrs)

  • Preloaded link tags.
  • Avoided inline styles to avoid layout shifts.
  • Used Hash map for O(1) Insertion.
  • Avoided cloneDeep from lodash where it should have been, instead used Object.assign() for objects and spread Operators for shallow copying for State Mutation.
  • Used Computed Properties from Vue Component Instead of getter methods as they cache values based on their Reactive Dependencies.
  • Optimised/Ģ§Compressed Image assets using imagemin and webp images ( 250KB-450KB to 4-8 KB)
  • Using Web Worker to Reduce Blocking time to ~0ms.
  • Reduce Layout Shifts to bare minimum using optimized re-rendering of components using preloading of Default view into component.

Lighthouse Optimization Results

Device Type: Mobile

Result 2

Device Type: Desktop

Result 3 For more details goto


High Level Design

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Future Thoughts

  • A good time-series Store can be used like Druid for fast querying and AWS S3 as Data lake.
  • To Add Data Persistence layer on frontend(with Archival Strategy) using IndexedDB and using pre-aggregated data and setting up Indexes for Search Optimization.
  • Shared Web workers can also be used, will optimize n/w load of browser having multiple tabs opened up for same application.