
Espruino module for the NRF52832 P8 Smart Watch

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Repo contains ongoing work to develop a generic Espruino Module to support basic functions from the P8 Smart Watch.


The content of this repo is in development, and may change at any time. Be Warned.

My Starting Point

The essence of this module is created by @fanoush, @atc1441, and @enaon.

Special thanks to them for their excellent work.

Ref : Basic LCD driver code from @fanoush : https://github.com/fanoush/ds-d6/tree/master/espruino/DFU/P8 If your interested in development for Nrf52832 devices there is a lot of excellent information in his Github.

Ref : Code from @Enaon based on code from @fanoush: https://github.com/enaon/ninebot-one-nRF52/tree/master/p8-nb

Ref : For flashing firmware to the P8 watch you use an Android App developed by @atc1441. https://github.com/atc1441/DaFlasherFiles

Ref : https://gitter.im/nRF51822-Arduino-Mbed-smart-watch/Lobby# I learned a lot on programmaing NRF52832 devices by following this Gitter

Ref : Information on Espruino, Javascript for microcontroller and Espruino hardware device http://www.espruino.com

Many thanks to all of the above for sharing their amazing work.

My Additions

My additions follow the Espruino Bangle syntax when possible, that saves me from making some documentation ;-) Ref : https://www.espruino.com/Reference#Bangle

Special thanks to @gordon for sharing Espruino to the world and supporting it in a terrific way, kodos!

Install the Espruino Module

  • Use the Espruino WebIde to upload the "P8Espruino...." file to "Flash (Allways)"

Load a example Espruino programm

  • Use the Espruino WebIde to the "Test....." file to RAM

The example

  • The P8 screen shows some graphics for a few secs and then switches off.
  • Pressing the P8 button toggles the screen On and OFF
  • Espruino monitor shows some debug information
  • pretty simple, hey! But it's a start ;-)



I develop for my own fun, so I lack the time to give a lot of support in using this code.

But if you find a bug in the module, or have some interesting changes/additions, open an "Issue".