
J_Shell is a command line shell that basically runs in a text window and causes respective action when recieves a command.

Below are all the recognized commands by J_Shell at the moment.

🔑 J_help        To display to list of all the present commands
🔑 J_pwd        The Current Working Directory
🔑 J_ls             List of Sub Directories in the Current directory
🔑 J_lstype     To display the list of items of sepcific type
🔑 J_cd           To Change the Current Working Directory
🔑 J_mkdir      To Make a new Directory
🔑 J_rmdir      To Remove a particular Directory
🔑 J_rename   To Rename a directory
🔑 J_mkfile     To Make a New File (txt, cpp, py, xls, pptx, pdf etcccc.)
🔑 J_rmfile      To Delete a File
🔑 J_copy       To Move a file from one location to another
🔑 J_read        To Read each and every word from a file
🔑 J_echo       To print the Text on the terminal as it is
🔑 J_exist        To check if a particular file or folder Exits
🔑 J_time        To Display current Day, Date and Time
🔑 J_clear        To Clear the Terminal