This version of the code works on ubuntu 9.10. To install this code, download pyphasesym-1.0, untar it and execute following commands on your terminal:
$ sudo python install
This allows you to use pyphasesym package as
import pyphasesym or from pyphasesym import *
In this package, we provide unittesting and regression testing. For unittesting exectute following command:
$ nosetests
To carry out regression tests, you need matfiles with set of parameters used on original matlab code of Dr. Peter Kovesi. Obtain his code from his website. test_phasesym.m file is provided to generate testing files in matlab to carry out regression testing. To generate test matfiles, open a matlab terminal (change to appropriate directory) and then execute following command on matlab prompt:
$ test_phasesym(n)
where n is number of iterations tests you want to carry out. The test_phasesym.m file selects the parameters at random for a given range of parameters for original phasesym code and writes matfiles. Store all the matlfiles in folder matfiles/ directory of pyphasesym. Some example test matfiles are provided with the package
Some matfiles for various parameters are stored in matfiles/ directory. Nosetests can be used for regression tests as follows:
$ nosetests