
Convert csv to json and send a batch of rows to AWS SQS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Convert csv to json and then send a batch of rows to AWS SQS

This tool uses node streams and hence can work with large csv file (having thousands for rows).

How does this tool work?

  • Reads csv file using streams
  • While reading, it converts each csv row into json and chunks them into a batch (of 10 msgs)
  • Then send this batch to AWS SQS using sendMessageBatch()



npm install csvtosqs --save

Code Sample

const csvtsqs = require('csvtosqs')
var csv = new csvtsqs({
    accessKeyId: 'xxxxx',
    secretAccessKey: 'xxxxx',
    region: 'xxxxx'

    file: './large.csv',
    queueUrl: 'https://sqs.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/xxxxx/test-queue'


This tool was designed to solve a simple problem efficiently. Your suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to reach out even for the smallest suggestion. Thank you!