
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Sends JSON output for Minitest runs to console or to a specific URL via POST with a predefined API key and value.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'minitest-jsonapi', require: false

And then execute:

> bundle

Or install it yourself as:

> gem install minitest-jsonapi


From terminal

To generate reports using Minitest::JsonApi, you'll need to pass -J or --json flag to Minitest on the command line.

Following will produce the output on the terminal:

> ruby test/foo_test.rb -J

Options to specify the URL and API keys & values:

> ruby test/foo_test.rb -J --addr=http://localhost:4567 --keyname=ABCD --keyvalue=EFGH

To prettify the JSON for terminal output:

> ruby test/foo_test.rb -J --pretty

All options are optional.

All the options can be viewed by using -h for help:

> ruby test/foo_test.rb -h

From rakefile

You can set up a rake task to run all your tests by adding this to your Rakefile:

require "rake/testtask"

Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t|
	t.options = '-J --addr=http://localhost:4567/ --keyname=ABCD --keyvalue=EFGH'
	t.test_files = FileList["test/**/test_*.rb"]

task :default => :test

You can also switch on JSON output globally for every test run by putting the following in your test helper:



This repository is a mirror of the public fossil repository hosted at fossil.abhij.it/repos/minitest-jsonapi

No pull requests are accepted through this repository. Email mail@abhij.it to discuss features.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.