To all the quizzers and quizmasters out there. This is the only bot you need to successfully conduct an online quiz.
The features:
-Add/Delete Roles ( Creation of roles with special permissions like QM, Scorekeeper etc.
-Add/Delete Voice and Text Channels( Creation of team specific channels)
-Scoresheet using Google Sheets Integration
-Facts using Reddit API
-Playing music from spotify/YouTube
The bot has been made using and uses Mongo DB and Google Sheets API and Reddit API.
!make : Creates channels of QM, Scorekeeper and all teams and gives them required permissions
!deleteChannels : Deletes all team text channels
!deleteVoice : Deletes all team voice channels
!clear{number of messages/all} : Deletes preceding messages in particular channel
!message {message text} : Sends announcements to all team channels
!play {song link} : Joins the vocie channel and plays relevant song
!q : Shows the songs in queue
!skip : Skips the next song
!leave : Leaves the voice channel
!give{role name, member name} : Gives particular role to particular member
!removerole{role name, member name} : removes particular role from particular member
!deleteAllRoles : Deletes all the team roles
!trivia : Fetches fact from subreddit r/todayilearned
!start{time duration} : Starts a timer for mentioned number of seconds
!create{number of questions, number of teams, email of QM} : Creates a google sheet for scorekeeping of required teams
!scores : fetches the scores of all the teams from Google Sheet
!pounce{question number, answer} : Notes pounce of the given team provided they answer within the window
!open{time duration}: Starts a timer of mentioned time duration