
Time Table Management

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A time table management app which meets my needs. Written in Rust.

Work in progress and not well tested. Currently only CLI interface is working which throws unhelpful messages on errors, but works if you know the commands. Only works on Linux.

Upcoming Features

Almost certainly planned:

  • a TUI with all sorts of functionalities
  • async execution wherever possible
  • sending notifications using something like libnotify, will also need a background process for this

Might implement, but only after above things are done:

  • a config file with following options:
    • colorscheme for TUI
    • specify date and time formats
    • custom keybindings
    • custom shortcuts for CLI
  • Encryption of data
  • Option to use less storage by storing in binary format or using a database
  • Exporting to other formats like ics, csv etc.
  • A logo for the app

Not planned for sure, but a programmer can dream:

  • Windows support
  • a GUI
  • A web app/client
  • Ability to host app on a server
  • Multi-user support
  • A mobile app when Rust takes over Kotlin as the goto language for Android Development


  • A timetable management app that I like with features that I want, but is still configurable enough to allow others to use as well.
  • Vim-like keybindings wherever possible.

The Concept

Schedule and Tasks

Each day has a schedule, which is divided into tasks, and each task has following properties:

Field Decription
finished a bool, telling whether the task is done or not.
time time associated with the task. See TaskTime for valid inputs.
description description of the task in form of string.
pomodoro a 2-tuple of u8 of the form (total, done). See Pomodoro for more details.


All instances of time used are TaskTime type. There are 4 valid types of TaskTime:

Type Decription
precise type 12:30, 16:30:30
general type one of morning, noon, afternoon, evening, midnight, or a custom string
precise period 2 precise types, separated with a hyphen, no spaces. 12:30-16:30.
general period 2 general types, separated with a hyphen, no spaces. morning-evening.


Date everywhere is represented as dd-mm-yyyy. More representations of date are coming soon.


A pomodoro has 2 fields:

  • total: total number of pomodoro cycles given to the task.
  • done: number of pomodoro cycles done out of total.

Storing things

The entire config lives in one of the following, chosen in the order mentioned:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/timaru, if defined
  • $HOME/.config/timaru if defined
  • else throws an error.

CLI Commands

Command Description
timaru list [date] Shows the schedule of the given date. If not specified then shows current day's schedule
timaru week Shows the schedules of next 7 days.
timaru month Shows the schedules of all dates till same day next month.
timaru add [date] [time] [pomodoro] <description> Add a new task.
timaru remove <date> <idx> Remove a task. idx should match as listed by timaru list
timaru update <old_date> <idx> <subcmd> Update a task. idx should match as listed by timaru list. See Update Command for possible subcmd.

Update Command

timaru update has following subcommands:

Command Description
date <date> change the date of the task.
time <time> change the time of the task, keeping the date same.
description <desc> change the description of the task.
done mark task as done.
notdone mark task as not done.
pomodoro [new | remove | done ] change pomodoro of the task



Dual licensed under Apache License Version 2.0 and MIT License.


Follows Rust Code of Conduct wherever applicable.