
formio PDF Export component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

formUrl = http://localhost:3001/#/form/5bf494515dd4890698a96bc6/ (or json representation)

submissionData = http://localhost:3001/#/form/5bf494515dd4890698a96bc6/submission/5bf495b05dd4890698a96bca (or json representation)

toPdf: function(formUrl, submissionData, callback) {
    $.get(formUrl, function(formResponse) {

        var component = formResponse;

        var hasSubmission = submissionData !== null;
        var submission = hasSubmission ? submissionData : null;
        var emptyValue = hasSubmission ? 'n/a' : '';

        var willDownload = callback === null || callback === undefined;

        var options = {
            formio: { // component specific configuration
                ignoreLayout: true, // should html render respect formio layouts (columns, lables positions, etc)
                emptyValue: emptyValue // default empty value for rendered components
            component: component,
            data: submission,
            config: { // pdf export configuration
                download: willDownload, // should the pdf file be downloaded once rendered
                filename: 'download.pdf', // the pdf file name
                margin: 10, // the pdf file margins
                html2canvas: {
                    scale: 5, // scale factor for rendering the canvas (overall resolution of the canvas image)
                    logging: false // should console logging be enable during rendering
                jsPDF: {
                    orientation: 'p', // PDF orientation - potrait / landscape
                    unit: 'mm', // measurement units used
                    format: 'letter' // paper size - can also accept custom (i.e. A4 - [210, 297])
            meta: {
                generatedOn: moment().format('lll'),
                generatedBy: emailAddress

        var exporter = new FormioExport(component, submission, options);

        if (willDownload) {
        } else if (callback) {

Formio Export Tools

GitHub package version npm (tag)

This library is a plain JavaScript export tool for Form.io componets. This allows to export any Form.io component (with or without submission data) to PDF (other formats comming soon).

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To install this package into your project, you can use the following command within your terminal

npm install --save formio-export


Creating a FormioExport instance

import FormioExport from 'formio-export';

let exporter = new FormioExport(component, data, options);

Using static methods

let options = {
  component: component,
  data: data,
  formio: {
    // component specific configuration
  config: {
    // pdf export configuration

FormioExport.toPdf(options).then((pdf) => {
  // do something


The FormioExport instance can be initialized using the following configuration:

let options = {
  component: component    // the formio component
  data: data              // the formio component's data or submission
  formio: {
    ignoreLayout: true,   // should html render respect formio layouts (columns, lables positions, etc)
    emptyValue: 'n/a'     // default empty value for rendered components

The PDF export is also configurable using the following parameters:

let config: {
  download: false,      // should the pdf file be downloaded once rendered
  filename: 'file.pdf', // the pdf file name
  margin: 10,           // the pdf file margins
  html2canvas: {
    scale: 2,           // scale factor for rendering the canvas (overall resolution of the canvas image)
    logging: false      // should console logging be enable during rendering
  jsPDF: {
    orientation: 'p',   // PDF orientation - potrait / landscape
    unit: 'mm',         // measurement units used
    format: 'a4'        // paper size - can also accept custom (i.e. A4 - [210, 297])

To get more information on PDF file configuration please read the following documentation:

  • html2canvas - JavaScript html to canvas renderer library
  • jsPDF - Client-sdie JavaScript PDF generator library

Simple Example

Using the FormioExport instance:

import FormioExport from 'formio-export';

let component = {
  type: 'form',
  title: 'Example',
  display: 'form',
  components: [
      type: 'textfield',
      key: 'name',
      label: 'Name',
      input: true
      type: 'number',
      key: 'age',
      label: 'Age',
      input: true

let submission = {
  _id: '<submission id>',
  owner: '<owner id>',
  modified: '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
  data: {
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 25

let options = {
  ignoreLayout: true

let exporter = new FormioExport(component, submission, options);

exporter.toHtml().then((html) => {

let config = {
  download: false,
  filename: 'example.pdf'

exporter.toPdf(config).then((pdf) => {
  // download the pdf file
  // get the datauri string
  let datauri = pdf.output('datauristring');

Using the FormioExport static methods

let config = {
  component: component,
  data: submission,


Clone git repository:

git clone git@github.com:airarrazaval/formio-export.git

Install dependencies:

npm install

Build browser bundle

npm run build

Running the tests

Tests use samples provided in test/samples and should use Form.io's Component JSON Schema structure.

npm run test

NPM Packaging

Creating a public package and publish in https://npm.pkg.github.com/

npm login --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com/
  • First time, you have will get an Email, please verify it or while publishing it will ask you to verify.
  • Rename the existing package.json to something and rename the publicPackagePublishJson.md to package.json
  • Increase the version accordingly in the package.json
  • Run the below command to publish
npm publish

Creating a private package

  • Rename existing backup.npmrc to .npmrc, run
ls -a

to view hidden files in shell

  • Upgrade the version in package.json file
  • Upgrade user to publish private packages, in https://www.npmjs.com and try
npm publish
  • You can see the published packages in the corresponding github repositories

Built With

  • js-html2pdf - Html to Pdf javascript library
  • html2canvas - JavaScript html to canvas renderer library
  • jsPDF - Client-sdie JavaScript PDF generator library