
A simple anomaly detection system built with Oryx

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A streaming anomaly detection system built with Oryx.

Robust PCA

This is a work-in-progress for a time series anomaly detector based on Robust Principal Component Analysis. Robust Principal Component Analysis seeks to decompose a matrix into a low rank component and a sparse component. The sparse component is the part of interest for us, those are the anomalous inputs! We will find this decomposition using the principal component pursuit algorithm defined in Candes Et al. and here.

Robust PCA for outlier detection

We can follow the form outlined in [Robust Feature Selection and Robust PCA for Internet Traffic Anomaly Detection](http://211.68.127 .238/classes/For11Course/class14/1/POVF12.pdf) on page 6:

0) Form the matrix of observations. Eventually, this implementation should include
   robust feature selection.
1) Compute the first k approximation of the robust Principal Components (PCs) and
   their variances.
2) Calculate the Score Distance (Mahalanobis distance in the PC space) and the
   Orthogonal Distance (error after subtracting projection of input onto low dim
   PC space).
3) Calculate appropriate thresholds for the score and orthogonal distances.
4) Label an observation as an anomaly if either the score distance of orthogonal
   distance for that observations exceeds the corresponding threshold.

Computing Robust Principal Components

The gist of principal component pursuit is that we are trying to decompose a matrix M in to its low rank component L and its sparse component S, so that M = L + S. Standard PCA is easily corrupted by outliers in the matrix. In PCA used for dimensionality reduction we usually think of retrieving the low rank approximation where M = L + N, L is the low rank approximation fo M using the top K singular vectors and N is made up of small noise. In the sparse situation, components of S can have arbitrarily large magnitude but are distributed among the indices of the matrix in a sparse way.

Optimization/Relaxation based

The first algorithm described for robustly computing the principal components of a matrix in the presence of sparse noise was framed as an optimization problem where we seek to minimize

||L||_{Nuclear Norm} + \lambda||S||_{1}

subject to the constraint that L+S=M. This problem can be solved with optimization methods that are very computationally intensive.

Alternating Directions

[Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decompositions via Alternating Directions Methods, Yuan and Yang] (http://www.optimization-online.org/DB_FILE/2009/11/2447.pdf) describes a method for soling the optimization problem specified above by separating it in to two different minimization problems that are solved simultaneously.

I think this is the method employed by RAD in Surus

Croux-Ruiz (CR) Algorithm

The CR algorithm operates on data is stored in a matrix, X ,where the rows are observations x_{i} and the columns are variables. We then defined a projection index S where

a_{1} = arg max_{||a||=1 } S(a^{t}x_{1}, a^{t}x_{2}, ...)

If S is the variance, this statements recovers the top eigenvector. We can continue to apply this in the orthogonal complement to our eigenspace to construct successive eigenvectors. Variance is sensitive to outliers in the data, so the idea here is to pick a projection index that is a more robust measure of variance. There are two common choices:

  • Median Absolute Deviation
  • First Quartile of Pairwise Distances between all data points

Both of these measure are resilient to outliers in the data, and help us with our aim of computing a robust pc estimate in the face of sparse anomalous entries.

The next step in the PCA-like algorithm is to subtract off the "center" of the data, where the "center" is computers in a robust way -- like the L_{1} median or the coordinate-wise median. Once the data is appropriately centered, this algorithm iteratively builds out its collection of robustly estimated eigenvector-like vectors a_{i} by maximizing:

lambda_{k} = max_{set of search directions} S(~ stuff from previous step ~)

Instead of optimizing over the space of all possible solutions, a set of candidate directions are chosen and the direction with the max robust variance estimate is chosen.

Grassman Averages for Robust PCA

Grassman Averages for Scalable Robust PCA provides a method for doing robust PCA. Grassman averages are a method for averaging together linear subspaces. We treat each observation as its own linear subspace that needs to be averaged together with other observations to obtain an estimate of a singular vector. This is pretty clever and I want to give it a try first.

How is this done in Oryx?

##Streaming Robust PCA We can get updates using this method at long intervals but this does not solve the problem of estimating the anomalous-ness of an observation on the fly or keeping our estimate of the principal components up to date. Real-time Robust Principal Components Pursuit describes an algorithm for streaming sparse signal detection as well as a method for continuously updating your estimates of the singular values. It seems best to build this incrementally, first building the batch and serving layers and seeing how that works on real data. If we need improvements or are having trouble separating the sparse component from the low rank one, we can try to improve our model by implementing noise corrected robust pca as well as the continuous model update portion of the algorithm. I think [divide and conquer matrix factorization] (http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ameet/dfc.pdf) or some variant of it may work well.

The current focus of this implementation is on batch model building and streaming scoring. This may be extended later.

Batch Layer Update

The batch layer will need to compute robust estimates of principal components for the data. We should also do some tuning to determine the best threshold for both distance measures.

Serving Model Manager

The model applied at serving time will need to be able to take an observation, calculate the score distance and the orthogonal distance using the precomputed principal components. It will then need to compare these distances to their corresponding thresholds.

Speed Model Manager

Not worrying about this yet.