
This repository contains tools we designed for attack and defense CTF.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains tools we designed for attack and defense CTF.


To run network_analyzer script, run the network_analyzer script. It will generate pcap files.

$ network_analyzer


command-line-injection script will take url, port, command to inject as parameters.

$ python command-line-injection.py team1 20003 /bin/sh

Sanitization Wrapper

Sanitization wrapper will take one command-line argument, which is a binary file's path.

$ sanitizationWrapper backup-child

ROP Gadget Finder

This script will take two command-line arguments, the path of the binary and the comma separated list of x86 instructions. Please make sure there is no space between the instructions.

$ python findRopGadget.py --filename sample_c --instructions mov,pop,xor,inc

PHP Vulnerability Finder

This script will one command-line argument, the path of the php file. There is a sample phpVuln.py provided to test the following script.

$ python phpVulnerabilityFinder.py phpVuln.php

Shellcode Generator

To generate shellcode for x86_32

$ g++ -std=c++11 shellcode_generator.cpp -o shellcode_gen
$ ./shellcode_gen

Input Sanitizer

To sanitize user input

$ g++ -std=c++11 input_sanitization.cpp -o ip_sanitize
$ ./ip_sanitize

Code Analyzer

To analyze source and binary files

$ python CodeAnalyzer.py sample_c