
This is a github repository that has complete roadmap / guide for a seeker, on which tools and technologies if learnt will lead him/her to become an MLOps expert !! I Hope this helps to you all.

Hey everyone 🙋‍♂️

This is a complete Roadmap / Guide to get started in MLOps

From noob to pro !

  • Machine Learning with Devops (MLOps) is a new and rare skill that lets a person to get recognised from a crowd.
  • In the following table, there are list of tools and technologies to be covered step by step in order to become an MLOps Expert.

SrNo. Technology
1 Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Data Science, etc
2 Source Control Management (Git/ Github)
3 Containerisaton using Docker
4 Hands On working and orchestrating with Kubernetes
5 Any CI/CD tool such as Jenkins
6 Devops Concepts, Methodologies & Best Practises
7 Being Familiar with other Devops tools for testing, monitorings and automation (e.g ELK stack, Prometheus, Grafana, Ansible, Terraform,) might also help sometimes in workflows (not mandatory)
8 A good understanding and hands on work on Cloud Computing technologies is a always plus point

I hope this repository helps any technology enthusiasts who is looking to dive into the field of Applying Machine Learning on Devops and vice versa.

  • Good Luck for your future !!