Ultra-High-Throughput Virtual Screening

All datasets are located in the data folder.


# Install from source
git clone https://github.com/abhinadduri/panspecies-dti.git
cd panspecies-dti
pip install -e .

# Or install directly from pip
install git+https://github.com/abhinadduri/panspecies-dti.git

If you want to use DDP for faster training, first follow the above installation instructions. Then manually downgrade lightning to 2.0.8 via pip install lightning==2.0.8

Train a model

Reproducing the drug-target interaction model in the MLCB 2024 abstract.

# Default config
ultrafast-train --exp-id mlcb --config configs/default_config.yaml
# Attention pooling
ultrafast-train --exp-id mlcb --config configs/agg_config.yml

The example script above will generate ProtBert and store ProtBert per-residue embeddings in a file data/BIOSNAP/full_data/train.csv.prot.h5.

The goal to start attention pooling training is to run the above script on all nested *.csv files with protein sequences in the data folder.

Download pre-trained model

Links to download pre-trained models are in checkpoints/README.md.

Once downloaded, just gunzip the file to get the ready-to-use model checkpoint.

Embed proteins and molecules

# Get target embeddings with pre-trained model
ultrafast-embed --data-file data/BIOSNAP/full_data/test.csv  \
    --checkpoint checkpoints/saprot_agg_contrast_biosnap_maxf1.ckpt \
    --moltype target \ 
    --output_path results/BIOSNAP_test_target_embeddings.npy

# Get drug embeddings with pre-trained model
ultrafast-embed --data-file data/BIOSNAP/full_data/test.csv  \
    --checkpoint checkpoints/saprot_agg_contrast_biosnap_maxf1.ckpt \
    --moltype drug \ 
    --output_path results/BIOSNAP_test_drug_embeddings.npy

Make a vector database of drugs

ultrafast-store --data-file data/BIOSNAP/full_data/test.csv  \
    --embeddings results/BIOSNAP_test_drug_embeddings.npy \
    --moltype drug \
    --db_dir ./dbs \
    --db_name biosnap_test_drug_embeddings

Report top-k accuracy by querying targets against the drug database

ultrafast-report --data-file data/BIOSNAP/full_data/test.csv  \
    --embeddings results/BIOSNAP_test_target_embeddings.npy \
    --moltype target \
    --db_dir ./dbs \
    --db_name biosnap_test_drug_embeddings \
    --topk 100

Predict new drug-target interactions