
AskGemini is the the Android implementation of Google Gemini AI. It is a real-time AI chat-bot with having all the features of ChatGPT 3.5 app. The project is integrated with Gemini Pro Vision model of AI to help get all your prompts including visionary ones too, response by the Gemini AI. Beside having the text-prompt features, it can also provide Image-Prompt & Response feature.

A point to be noted, at the time making the Project dated 26 Feb 2024, use of generative models offered by Google is Completely Free with a prompt limit of 60 request per minute, which can be changed, halted, or stopped by Google at any time in future without any prior notice or information.


App Screenshot App Screenshot

Rest Pictures on the way..., >>>>> they sent me WhatsApp Message that We are comming, as soon we get ready ;)


API Reference

Google Vertex AI API

and paste the API key in your file. For example

  • make sure that you have included the following expression in your .gitignore file


The Project is under development, All the contributions are highly Welcome :) ☺️


  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • Live previews

🚀 About Me

I'm a full stack Android developer from India... Rest, know more from README.MD
