NBA results prediction using an ensemble of regression and classification techniques Team performance prediction (Part 1)
Data generation (Python 2.7.9 or above)
Copy the entire teamNBA folder contents into the workspace
Run python to generate player statistics data in NBATeamTransactions.csv file. We have already included the csv file in the folder if in case you do not want to extract the data all over again. To check that the script is working, delete the csv file and run the python file to generate the csv file
Run python to generate player statistics data in NBAcoachTransactions.csv file
Run python to generate player statistics data in NBAPlayerTransactions.csv file
Run python to generate the final feature vector set in NBATransactions.csv
Regression and Classification (Matlab)
Outstanding player prediction (Part 1)
Data generation (Python 2.7.9 or above)
Copy the entire outlierNBA folder contents into the workspace Run python to generate .csv files from 1985 to 2004 Run python to generate history.csv files from 1985 to 2004
Anomaly Detection and Learning (Matlab)