
Upload Your Catch Notes.zip to Evernote

Primary LanguagePython

Catch To Evernote

This is a couple of python scripts to transition from Catch to Evernote.


This script automatically loads all your notes from your Catch Notes.zip.

This script requires you to use your developer token provided by Evernote. You can find it at https://www.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action

A developer token looks like this


You can test this script against a sandbox account. To get a sandbox developer account and token, create an account at https://sandbox.evernote.com/ and then go to https://sandbox.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action

This script also requires a couple python packages to be installed: evernote and lxml


Here is what I do to switch from Catch to Evernote

  • Log into Catch.com
  • Under my username, upper right, I select the Export menu item (https://catch.com/tools/export/new)
  • Using the command line, I go to Downloads directory
  • I run autocatch.py

symbol legend

Update progress is indicated by symbols

  • . = note added
  • @ = attachment(s) with note
  • # = tags(s) with note
  • " = note already exists from a previous import attempt

Mac/Linux Instructions

Install python packages

sudo easy_install evernote lxml

Note: On a mac, if you have trouble with the lxml easy_install, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8473066/gcc-4-2-failed-with-exit-status-1

Download Catch Export and this script

run autocatch

cd ~/Downloads/
CatchToEvernote-master/autocatch.py <developer token>
Added 'Space 1' Notebook and uploading its 15 notes...
..... .@.@#...# ..@... 
Completed 'Space 1' Notebook upload: uploaded 15 notes, 3 attachments, 2 tags
Added 'Space 2' Notebook and uploading its 10 notes...
.#.@#..@.# .@.#.@#..
Completed 'Space 2' Notebook upload: uploaded 10 notes, 5 attachments, 25 tags

PC Instructions

Install python and additional python packages

C:\Python27\Scripts\easy_install evernote lxml

Download Catch Export and this script

run autocatch

Run cmd

cd C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads\
C:\Python27\python C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads\CatchToEvernote\CatchToEvernote-master\autocatch.py <developer token>
Added 'Space 1' Notebook and uploading its 15 notes...
..... .@.@#...# ..@... 
Completed 'Space 1' Notebook upload: uploaded 15 notes, 3 attachments, 2 tags
Added 'Space 2' Notebook and uploading its 10 notes...
.#.@#..@.# .@.#.@#..
Completed 'Space 2' Notebook upload: uploaded 10 notes, 5 attachments, 25 tags


This was an earlier used script, recommended for people who don't have a lot of attachments or who don't want to use a developer token.

The script works on your unextracted Catch Notes Export.zip file and creates a custom extract folder.

The in resulting extracted Extract folder there are the following:

  • An "All Notes.enex"
  • A {Space}.enex file, per space
  • An attachments folder with all your attachments with the title of the note as the file name. This way you can look at the file name, type the title into evernote search and re-attach the attachment to the related note.


Here is what I do to switch from Catch to Evernote

  • Log into Catch.com
  • Under my username, upper right, I select the Export menu item (https://catch.com/tools/export/new)
  • Using the command line, I go to Downloads directory
  • I run prepcatch.py
  • In the Evernote Desktop app, for each Space
    • File > Import
    • Go into the Catch Notes Extract folder the script creates
    • Select the .enex file with the space's name
    • Click Open
    • Done
  • Attachments
    • Go into the Catch Notes Extract > Attachments folder the script creates
    • Type the name of the note (from the file name) into the evernote desktop search
    • Drag-and-drop the attachment into the note
    • Delete the attachment from the Attachment folder

Mac/Linux Instructions

cd ~/Downloads
Extracted 1 All Notes.enex file and 6 {Space}.enex files into Catch Notes username exported 2013-8-1 Extract
Extracted 212 attachments into Catch Notes username exported 2013-8-1 Extract/Attachments.

PC Instructions

Run cmd

cd C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads\
C:\Python27\python C:\Users\yourusername\Downloads\CatchToEvernote-master\CatchToEvernote-master\prepcatch.py
Extracted 1 All Notes.enex file and 6 {Space}.enex files into Catch Notes username exported 2013-8-1 Extract
Extracted 212 attachments into Catch Notes username exported 2013-8-1 Extract/Attachments.