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It's a full stack single page dynamic web application built using efficient angular front end and robust spring boot back end. It exhibits all the basic CRUD operations and has a standard code implementation with an attempt to follow all industry practises.
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it". Dynamic Programming is mainly an optimization over plain recursion. Wherever we see a recursive solution that has repeated calls for same inputs, we can optimize it using Dynamic Programming. The idea is to simply store the results of subproblems, so that we do not have to re-compute them when needed later.
Developed a RESTful Web service that seamlessly support presenting your data in a variety ofrepresentation media types and Supports GET, PUSH, PUT and DELETE requests
These problems are carefully hand-picked from LeetCode's curated collection of frequently asked interview questions
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, or LDAP for short, is one of the core authentication protocols that was developed for directory services. LDAP historically has been used as a database of information, primarily storing information like: Users. Attributes about those users. Group membership privileges
This is a springboot based backend to a fullstack project that I call LinuxLife. This is for all the linux lovers who enjoy everything about linux, be it the freedom to do anything and everything with only a few keyboard commands, or the ability to customize each and every element to your liking.
This is an angular based frontend to a fullstack project that I call LinuxLife. This is for all the linux lovers who enjoy everything about linux, be it the freedom to do anything ans everything with only a few keyboard commands or the ability to customize each and every element to your liking.
The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework is a protocol that allows a user to grant a third-party web site or application access to the user's protected resources, without necessarily revealing their long-term credentials or even their identity.
Developed a java standalone application for visualising sorting algorithms. Implemented selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quick sort algorithms.
A bug tracking system or defect tracking system is a software application that keeps track of reported software bugs in software development projects. It may be regarded as a type of issue tracking system. Typically bug tracking systems are integrated with other project management software. A major component of a bug tracking system is a database that records facts about known bugs. The main benefit of a bug-tracking system is to provide a clear centralized overview of development requests, and their state.
abhinav-mmmut's Repositories
It's a full stack single page dynamic web application built using efficient angular front end and robust spring boot back end. It exhibits all the basic CRUD operations and has a standard code implementation with an attempt to follow all industry practises.
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it". Dynamic Programming is mainly an optimization over plain recursion. Wherever we see a recursive solution that has repeated calls for same inputs, we can optimize it using Dynamic Programming. The idea is to simply store the results of subproblems, so that we do not have to re-compute them when needed later.
Developed a RESTful Web service that seamlessly support presenting your data in a variety ofrepresentation media types and Supports GET, PUSH, PUT and DELETE requests
These problems are carefully hand-picked from LeetCode's curated collection of frequently asked interview questions
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, or LDAP for short, is one of the core authentication protocols that was developed for directory services. LDAP historically has been used as a database of information, primarily storing information like: Users. Attributes about those users. Group membership privileges
This is a springboot based backend to a fullstack project that I call LinuxLife. This is for all the linux lovers who enjoy everything about linux, be it the freedom to do anything and everything with only a few keyboard commands, or the ability to customize each and every element to your liking.
This is an angular based frontend to a fullstack project that I call LinuxLife. This is for all the linux lovers who enjoy everything about linux, be it the freedom to do anything ans everything with only a few keyboard commands or the ability to customize each and every element to your liking.
Snake is the common name for a video game concept where the player maneuvers a line which grows in length, with the line itself being a primary obstacle.
Developed a java standalone application for visualising sorting algorithms. Implemented selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quick sort algorithms.
A bug tracking system or defect tracking system is a software application that keeps track of reported software bugs in software development projects. It may be regarded as a type of issue tracking system. Typically bug tracking systems are integrated with other project management software. A major component of a bug tracking system is a database that records facts about known bugs. The main benefit of a bug-tracking system is to provide a clear centralized overview of development requests, and their state.
The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework is a protocol that allows a user to grant a third-party web site or application access to the user's protected resources, without necessarily revealing their long-term credentials or even their identity.
With many of us around the world being encouraged to stay indoors and work from home, this is the perfect opportunity for you to focus on studying up for future code interviews. In order to help you stay focused, LeetCode is running the 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge for the month of April. A problem will appear here at midnight PDT each day, and you'll have 24 hours to solve it and submit it here on the Explore Card.
A dynmic web app that uses postgres database to store in bank account details and all transactions through the bank. The app is hosted on heroku platform (PaaS) and is made using java spring boot
A bug tracking system or defect tracking system is a software application that keeps track of reported software bugs in software development projects. It may be regarded as a type of issue tracking system. Typically bug tracking systems are integrated with other project management software. A major component of a bug tracking system is a database that records facts about known bugs. The main benefit of a bug-tracking system is to provide a clear centralized overview of development requests, and their state.
Modern C++ Cheatsheet
Google Foobar is Google’s secret hiring challenge. Google uses this to hire some of the best developers around the globe which they think can be a good match for their organization. Many developers in Google have been hired through this hiring challenge.
The application is linked to a mysql database and uses GUI to register,review,update and delete participant's details into the database, for seminars,college fests,etc It employs Swing package for end-user interaction using the graphical UI, and MYSQL for maintaining the databse.
🎆LeetCode solution and explanation
A java springboot based dynamic web app that can accept donation from users of the web app through an integration with paytm payment gateway
The repository includes my practise codes of implementations of basic data structures and algorithms paradigms that for the basis building block of competitive programming
Tic-tac-toe (American English), noughts and crosses (British English), or Xs and Os is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.
The ToDo app is used to help us to remember some important task. We just add the task and when accomplished, delete them. This to-do list uses various Bootstrap classes that make our web application not only attractive but also responsive.
Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth":