Tax Calculator


This is a simple tax calculator that calculates the tax based on the income and the tax slab.

Tech Stack

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Bootstrap
  5. jQuery09m

How to use

  1. Enter the Gross Annual income.
  2. Enter the Extra Income.
  3. Select your age group.
  4. Click Submit.

How to run locally

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Go to the directory where you have cloned the repository.
  3. Open the index.html file in your browser.

Live Demo Link

Click here to view the demo


When Input field is empty

When Input field is empty

When Input field is filled but not a with number

When Input field is filled but not a number

When all the input fields are filled correctly

When all the input fields are filled correctly

