

A completely python-based space-shooter game. In which you have just one aim to survive the longest and keep destroying the enemies that come in your way.


  1. Clone the repository (either by using the URL or clone button present). https://github.com/NJACKWinterOfCode/endless.git
  2. Install the Pygame module using pip. python -m pip install pygame
  3. Run the python script. python name_of_file


  1. Fork the repository. image
  2. clone the repository. https://github.com/NJACKWinterOfCode/endless.git
  3. create a different branch. git checkout -b newbranch oldbranch
  4. Do the needful changes to solve the issue.
  5. commit the changes and open a pull request. git commit -m "description about changes" git push origin newbranch
  6. Making a pull request image
    • click on Compare and Pull Request image


laser.ogg -> Alexander License: CC BY-NC 4.0