Allspark Realtime server:- Scalable multinode secure realtime messaging router.
Can build Chatting/ realtime messaging / gaming server.


  1. Simple and powerful
  2. websocket based
  3. software loadbalanced
  4. heavily cached
  5. Scalable.
  6. Json based.
  7. Pending messages and inbox. ( Definite delivery and syncing request).

Getting started:


  1. Mongodb connector
  2. Google datastore connector (buggy)

-Start mongodb instance and update "" with DB_** variables for username, password , host

##start nodes as below

nohup python --host_address= --port=8080 --force=True --log_level=debug > nohup-8080.out 2>&1 &

-starts a new node with given ip address and port, (optionally mention) --proxy_80_port , --force option ingnores the case when you stopped the old node and restarted again.

##to start more nodes:: nohup python --host_address= --port=8081 --force=True --log_level=debug > nohup-8081.out 2>&1 &

nohup python --host_address= --port=8082 --force=True --log_level=debug > nohup-8082.out 2>&1 &

#client: First you would need an authentication key to make any request, on your app you should create one after your user does login/signup, basically a SHA encrypted node_id.

After you have the auth_key. Do a http request with "get_pre_connection_info=True&auth_key=USER_AUTH_KEY_HERE" to the server. In response you would get a validation token and node info that contains ip , port and other info to open a web socket to.

Open a websocket to the server including auth_key and validation_token in the websocket url. You can now send json paylods of this format

{ dest_id: DEST_NODE_ID, dest_session_id: DEST_SESSION_ID, payload: YOUR_PAYLOAD, payload1: YOUT_PAYLOAD_MORE, payload2: YOUT_PAYLOAD_SO_MORE, }

when reciving the message you would receive a json packet of the same format but includes a src_id too.

##sessions: A client can create/join/unjoin session (even anonymouly) by issuing a create_session , join_session , unjoin_session http requests.

##Anonymous messaging: Anonymous messaging is supported by creating a session and users joining the session anonymously.

Feeling interested ?

##Core concepts:

  1. Node: Every server , device on the network is a node , which must have an unique node id.
  2. Connection: represents from_node_id , to_node_id , which is basically edge on the graph. Each of these edge has an id 'connection_id' and has a send queue , where the messages to be sent are put into(sending queues on both sides).
  3. You can create connections to nodes if they have addresses. 4: Client: client can have multiple nodes. Just like you have a computer, mobile , etc .
  4. Session: basically a group of nodes together are inside a session.
  5. Software loadbalanced.

##The Mechanics: A graph of nodes/connections.

  • There are nodes everywhere that are connected to each other. Each node must have an unique id. In real sense, every device of a user has a unique node_id, and so is every server.
  • You can send messages to a single node or in general send to a session which inturn will forward to all nodes in that session.
  • In the connection graph , with unique node_ids , we register each edge with a unique connection_id. (Between two nodes there could be multiple connections.)

Each sent message should have a dest_id , dest_client_id or dest_session_id set , this is mandatory to forward message. otherwise it is considerd as a config message/ping.


  1. The client makes a call to get preconnection info first which should return the node information to connect to including a connection validation key.

  2. Connect to the node address directly and include validation_key in the request as get parameters. After the 'node1' makes a connection to server 'node2', on the node2, we will register a connection in db (node1 , node2 ,connection_id ) each connection has a unique id( like addressing an edge ).

  3. Each connection(between two nodes) on a server has a send queue, when you want to send , the message is put into the queue when you intent to send it.

  4. When a connection breaks, we destory the corresponding databse entry.

  5. When the node you want to forward doesn't have a direct connection, we can either a) open a connection to it directly if it has a direct address (OR) b) We open a connection to the node that this node is connected to. (or) c) The node is not connected. we send push notifications incase of android/ios, (supports gcm key for android) and store the message in pending messages.

  6. Done.

##Proxy connections: For users who cannot connect to custom ports which server start , we additonally provide a proxy address for a node. Supporting nginx sample config added to project.

##websockets backed by gevent.

##performance testing/benchmarking:

  • Tested at 50,000 messages , 20 seconds , 1% errors on a single micro instance.

apt-get install libevent-dev apt-get install python-all-dev easy_install greenlet easy_install gevent sudo python -m pip install pymongo

-Free to Contribute.